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Showing posts from August, 2015

Chinese analgesic balms effective at pain relief

I received some samples from Solstice Medicine Company in Los Angeles... One is called Zheng Gu Shui, and the other is"Hoe Hin White Flower" balm. They're described as "an external analgesic lotion used by martial artists for many years to heal bone fractures, torn ligaments and relieve muscle tension." Well, how could I not give that a try. In fact, I had to share with a friend, a chronically injured blackbelt who runs an academy and can't stop training just because he's sore. He decided to use them on a lower back strain and a sore knee. I had all the symptoms of sciatica. In fact, the oils aalso helped sore fingers, too. ZHENG GU SHUI Sorry, I should've taken a picture before I used it all! This is a brownish liquid with a yummy woody scent from the Angelica root and the camphor. I think both of us expected to need a lot more and we wasted it... It literally only takes a few drops!  The ingredients are camphor, menthol, alcohol, bushy knot weed, A